The Heart Chakra - Anahata - Unbroken...
To begin, allow me to very briefly explain the many layers of our bodies. Our physicality is but one aspect of what forms a complete sentient being:

Etheric Body – is closest to the physical body and damage to this can result in physical illness.
Emotional Body – is connected to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Too much negativity, from yourself, or others around you, will cause damage here.
Mental Body – this is our logical self, where we debate, rationalise and discuss.
Astral Body – this is a shimmering beautiful layer made up of a bio magnetic energy field. In order to keep it grounded it needs to be connected to the physical body, however it is possible to ‘astral project’ or travel when you’re in a relaxed, calm state, or can be guided during hypnosis or with the use of certain drugs or during REM sleep.
Etheric Temple – this is the connection to our spirit or higher selves. It is the home of intuition, emotions and feelings linked to intuition.
Causal Body – our spiritual essence and higher self resides here. It holds the key to our true identity and accumulated knowledge through every lifetime.

Energy flows through our bodies via Nadis (Sanskrit word meaning riverbed). There are approximately 72,000 within us. Where these energy lines cross or converge we have the formation of a Chakra. Incidentally, there are many more chakra points in our body, but for now I want to focus on the seven main ones located along our spine. The study of energy, this planet – our great Mother Earth – and the human body is truly fascinating! We really are like microcosms of the planet we live on, (see my previous article on Stonehenge and the convergence of ley lines).

The heart is the fourth chakra and the first major chakra I intend to write about. The reason for this is that it is central to balancing ourselves; mind, body and soul. It is also quite literally in the centre of our chakras, with three below and three above. It is the link between the physical (the world of matter) and spiritual (world of spirit), the higher and the lower. The colours of our chakra points range from warm colours lower down; red, orange yellow, to cooler colours higher up; green, blue, indigo & white. The colour of the heart chakra is green and when balanced should spin and sparkle like an emerald jewel.

Anahata is the Sanskrit name for the fourth chakra and means unhurt, unbroken or the ‘unstruck chord’. It is the place of opening and the gateway between that which is physical and that which is spirit. Love, dedication, unification & self realisation are the key aspects of this chakra.
Ideally, in our lives we would all have had healthy childhoods where we build a well-rounded understanding of relationships and learn to love ourselves. However if this process has not been allowed to naturally occur, then the ability to give & take in a cyclical way and be open in relationships becomes stunted. In some cases we might find ourselves unable to accept or give love to ourselves or others in a wholesome way.

Image from –
The heart chakra is so central to our wellbeing. We have all heard of cases where people literally die of a broken heart, for instance, after losing a loved life-long partner. However there are also many more emotional & physical manifestations resulting from an imbalance in our heart energy:
Feeling unworthy; an underlying, yet overriding self-doubt that infiltrates all aspects of our life, causing us to feel that we don’t deserve love or to have our dreams fulfilled.
Low self esteem; easily manipulated or easily influenced by others.
Manipulating others; any form of this is essentially attempting to hijack another’s energy to boost your own, (putting others down to build yourself up).
Fear of being seen; in an emotional/spiritual or any real way. Think of the movie Avatar, when Neytiri says to Jake “I see you.” It is a truly beautiful statement as she sees his soul and loves him. It is the ultimate gift to ‘see’ the person you love. If the heart chakra is blocked then we do not see and do not wish to be seen.
Inability to release negative emotions; holding onto sadness, depression, or reliving difficult experiences, being unable to move away or distance yourself from these feelings.
Physical manifestations; Asthma, lung disease, heart disease, anxiety and panic disorders, respiratory problems, and so on are potentially some of the physical manifestations of a blocked heart chakra.

Our chakras should flow with energy both ascending and descending in our bodies. With the heart chakra, as it is the link between physical and spiritual, a blocked heart chakra can prevent the flow of energy and negatively impact all aspects of our mind body & spirit.
When the heart chakra is balanced and flowing you will:
be filled with gratitude
be willing to help others
be willing to meet others
experience balance & harmony
have inner peace
love yourself
be able to release heart-related emotions (negative ones)
accept growth and new beginnings

So the heart chakra is pretty fundamental to energy flow throughout our bodies. Hopefully reading this blog will help you to recognise any imbalances you may have and of course, becoming aware of blockages in your energy flow is half the battle to releasing any underlying issues.
So how do we unblock our chakras? Most techniques use meditation and visualisation. Below is a great audio guidance meditation for you to try.
Clearing – release negative thoughts and etheric chords from our chakras.
Balancing – enlarging or reducing your chakras so they are all of a similar size.

In harmony all of the seven main chakras should be of a similar size, as no one area would be given more or less energy, quite simply because when we function in harmony with our minds, bodies and spirit every aspect should receive equal but varied attention. Take for instance the sacral chakra, if this is enlarged/shrunk or unbalanced there may be too much emphasis on gratification; gluttony, sexual appetites etc. When we are in harmony we can enjoy all aspects of humanity, sexuality, feeding our bodies, feeding our mind, listening to your inner voice and spending time focussed on spirit.
As well as meditation and visualisation, you might use positive affirmations or mantras. A simple one for the heart chakra is to say “I am love.” You are literally affirming that you are the embodiment of love, you hold it in your heart chakra and are open to giving and receiving it. Simple yet effective.

If you are religious you might like to affirm that “Everything is in divine and perfect order.” This may help you to release hurt from previous relationships and to let go and move forward, safe in the knowledge that everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences. Every person that enters your life has been drawn to you, your energy and your path. In the end, during all our encounters with fellow sentient beings, we win (emotionally) or we learn.
Another method for clearing your chakras would be to use any or all of the following;
Crystals – with the heart chakra green or pink crystals are best; Green Jasper, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Green and Pink Tourmaline, Green Jade or Green Adventurine. Crystals have energy of their own, they can also block, absorb or amplify energy.
Essential oils – Rose oil, Sandalwood (healing, grounding and sensual), Amyris(from a tropical evergreen tree smells like a blend of sandalwood and vanilla), Cedar wood (calming, eases anger and gives mental clarity), Jasmine (heightens passion & love), or any form of flower essence will work too, (rose water etc).
Angelic guidance – mostly through meditation or simply anytime call upon your angels, they will always help you.
Shamanic journey – you will need the help of a reputable Sharman (not all are reputable, though most are high energy and enlightened people, please bear that in mind).
Healing and cleansing spells (seek the help of a reputable witch – yes I am one , I only practise light magick, but not all witches work in the same way).
Spending more time in nature – this is particularly effective if you are often exposed to negative people for long periods of time, such as at work.
Regressive hypnotherapy – to release you from any issues you have carried with you into this lifetime.
Forgiveness of past hurts (even those carried from previous lifetimes). This is not to say that what the person did was acceptable or that they were right and you were wrong, it is simply to give yourself release and find peace, to unburden yourself by throwing off the emotional dead weight you carry around.
Exercising – any kind of movement that increases your oxygen flow is great. Walking in a ‘power centre’ such as near water, a forest, or especially in an energy nexus like Stonehenge or Sedona (Arizona), will have a strong impact on opening and healing your blocked chakras. Remember a lot of churches were built on energy nexus’ and are often very peaceful places to meditate.
Eating the right food – everything we eat or drink contains life force energy (or not). Consuming for instance, the flesh of an animal that was killed inhumanely will adversely affect your chakras, as we absorb the animals pain. Eating foods that contain more life force will heal and create harmony within, resulting in clean glowing chakras. Often those, like myself, who are on a spiritual journey will naturally move away from consuming food that has little or even negative life force, (processed, frozen or dried food contains no life force).

This table is a simple guide to foods high or low in life force. I am not saying only consume one type (as I love rum and tequila), but moderation & increasing the quantity of life force giving food will help a lot. Also cruelty to any life form is unacceptable and we should all try to vote with our feet on this issue!
This is not a definitive list, there are other options you can employ as we are all so varied in lifestyle and culture. Therefore a method that works well for you may not work at all for another.
If you have had a lifetime of unbalance with one or any or the above list of issues pertaining to your heart chakra, such as feeling unworthy, suffering from anxiety and so on, these things can be redressed and eventually harmonised. One thing to bear in mind is that life-long & embedded issues will take time to resolve.

Always remember every journey begins with a single step. Discovering and developing an awareness of your energy and the way your chakras function is a marvellous journey and one you will never regret embarking on.
I hope this article has been of some use to you, I know it is very heavy on information, but I wanted it to be a useful article that gives real techniques to help balance your chakras and aid you on your journey to a happier, stress free & more fulfilled life.
Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.
My next blog covers the Root chakra.
As always in humility I wish you peace and enlightenment upon your path my friends. ૐ )0(